
Data Sharing Policy

The data policy of the Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics complies with TOP guidelines and encourages all authors of published articles to share their research data unless there are ethical, legal, or privacy concerns. Authors should seek consent from study participants when sharing confidential data is necessary.
Statements about data availability include links to publicly archived datasets that were analyzed or created during the study and provide details about where data supporting the reported results can be found.

The following are suggested statements of data availability

◼ Data available in publicly accessible repositories.
→ Data presented in this study are publicly available at [repository name, e.g., FigShare], reference number] at [doi].

◼ Data available in publicly accessible repositories that do not issue DOIs
→ The study analyzed publicly available data
This data can be found here [link/accession number].

◼ Data available only upon request due to restrictions such as privacy or ethics
→ The data presented in this study are available upon request from the corresponding authors
Data are not publicly available due to [insert reason]. Data presented in this study are available upon request from the corresponding author. Data is not publicly available due to [insert reason].

◼ Third-party data
→ Restrictions apply to the availability of these data. Data was obtained from [third party] and is available [from author/URL] with permission from [third party].

◼ Data sharing does not apply
→ No new data was generated or analyzed in this study. Data sharing does not apply to this article.

◼ Data are included in the paper or supplementary material
→ Data presented in this study can be found in the [paper or supplemental material].
supplementary material or results Additional data (methods or results) and files can be uploaded as "supplementary files" during the manuscript submission process. Supplementary files may be used as part of the peer review process and should be in pdf, PPT, docx, image (jpeg, tiff) files.
Remote hosting and large datasets Data may be stored at a professional service provider or institutional/subject repository, preferably one that uses the DataCite mechanism. Large datasets and files larger than 60 MB (please check with your society) should be stored in this way. See databib.org or re3data.org for a list of other repositories that specialize in scientific and experimental data.
The data repository name, dataset link (URL) and access number, and the Doi or handle number of the dataset should be provided in the paper.